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Last week's release (Isamar vs. Synn) featured some of the Academy's more powerful wrestlers. This week we bring on the tiny terrors, flyweights Tia Ling and Amanda Tran. Both women are under 5' tall and 100lbs. Both women have about the same wrestling experience. And both are ready to take it to the mats in unscripted wrestling with a girl of equal size, winner take all.
Korean Tia, making her second Academy appearance, is stacked, toned, and taut, and has great conditioning. Vietnamese Amanda is a tough little chick, with four Academy rules matches under her belt and lots of attitude. She starts the trash talk during the pre match stretch, declaring that Tia doesn't "look that strong" upon introduction. The slightly larger, very sexy Tia is not im....
On of these las is on a MISSION to win in this one, and surprisingly the match is a straight up ass kicking and a press seduction as well! The loser is skunked, stripped, and submitted multiple times before the gleeful winner removes her own clothes. This is not due to lack of effort, one girl is just at the top of her game, the other is her beat up toy. Plenty of "classic" style butt-whupping here, as gvines, titfacesits, breast grabbing and facesitting are all applied in and around the scissors and armlock sub holds.
Roughly the last half of this 45 min. video is fully and incredibly erotic, and the loser DOES get it in the end-the "AX-File" title is only due to the lack of an actual strap on, toys do come into play. Hardcore wrestling and hardcore sex, Academy style.