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Cici Rhodes VS Dana Vixen

Cici Rhodes VS Dana Vixen

  • Price : $ 32.50
And now for something slightly different, we present you with not one, but two new girls making their debut. Hot bondage models hit the mats as CiCi Rhodes takes on Dana Vixen in a novice matchup full of pride and passion. Light skinned brunette CiCi has a sexy girl next door look and more experience, having done some wrestling videos elsewhere. Her opponent Dana is a black haired, caramel skinned lovely with big tits and plenty of booty. She also has enough of a size and strength advantage to nullify CiCi's edge in wrestling abilities. CiCi quickly shows bigger is not always better, as she tears into Dana immediately. Using scissors, armbars, and headlockholds, CiCi has Dana in trouble early and often...and obviously enjoys this type of unfettered wrestling, pinning her larger opponent flat and stripping her top off with glee. Dana, who slightly resembles the one and only Isamar, has trouble gaining any kind of momentum at all, while CiCi attacks like a whirling dervish and shows no mercy. Will the bigger girl's strength allow her to turn the tables before CiCi runs out of gas? You�?�?�?�?ll have to see for yourself! It's a rough ride for the loser, as she's ordered to suck the strap on before being fucked long and hard at the end of the video, which is XXX, as is always the case in SOAP videos.

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